Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Don't ruin our health care with billion dollar cuts

I am amazed at the lack of press Governor Spitzer's health care reform plan is getting. He plans to cut 1 billion dollars from our existing hospital system this year. There will be communities without a hospital emergency room within 20 miles. These are not small towns and hamlets, but are medium size cities. Is there no advisor for the governor that is aware of the looming heath care demand that is on the horizon?

Every 60 seconds a baby boomer turns 60. These 60 year old Americans are just the tip of the iceberg and they demand more from the health care system than did their parents. Boomers go to the doctor more than any other group previously. They do not grow old with grace, but look for ways to grow old without pain and disease. The demand on hospitals for care is going to increase dramatically in the next 10 years. The emergency rooms today are at full capacity much of the time. As an former EMT I can attest to the record amount of times they are closed because they have reached capacity. The health care system and hospitals need more money to prepare for the boomers, not less. The governor's cuts on a system already in a financial crunch will be devastating. They are already reeling from lower medicare payments, high equipment cost and insurance increases to mention a few items. Let us not forget the talent that will have to relocate because they are out of work. Doctors, nurses, and medical specialist from all fields will be displaced. New York cannot not afford to lose this talent.

Governor you know one big reason health care is so expensive is tort law. Doctors and health care facilities are forced to run procedures that would not normally be done to cover for law suits. Reforming tort law would dramatically reduce costs for heath care facilities. I have heard no mention of why health costs are high or no mention of tort law reform as it relates to this issue. There are probably other reforms that could be implemented saving millions. We don't know because we are not given enough information.

Where is the press on this issue? This issue should be front page every week until it is resolved.
I can think of very few issues that will impact society as a whole as a devastating cut in health care. Step up Post-Standard and news agencies in New York. Investigate and inform. Give the public the facts on both sides so we can address the issue with knowledge. The only support for the cuts I have seen is a boys choir singing alleluia. Give me a break. Give me the facts!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

the whole system is full of flaws..good luck